Details about Underground Warriors tokenomics, distribution and system economics.
Token Name: Underground Warrior Point
Token: $WP
Token Symbol:
Contract: con_uwarriors_lst001
Total Supply: 40,000,000 WP (Diluted Market Cap)
Presale: 8,000,000 WP
Initial Liquidity Pool: 4,000,000 WP + Presale TAU
Charts: TAUHQ — WP
Price: Rocketswap — Market Price
Game Economic Flow
LP Boost
Experience and WP bonuses are awarded for players invested in the LP pool on Rocketswap at a rate of 0.2LP to 1% exp bonus up to a maximum of 100% (20 LP).
Special events will happen from time to time which will boost the LP Bonus received.
The amount of WP and TAU required at any given time fluctuates with the current price of WP vs TAU. As at 02/09/2021 the figures were as follows: